* denotes joint first co-authorship
S.H. Baek, E.E. McClenny, P.A. Ullrich. Response of atmospheric river width and intensity to aquaplanet warming: A detection algorithm- and background moistureindependent approach. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, in review
S.H. Baek, J.M. Lora, C.B. Skinner, M. Fu, J. Zhu. Atmospheric and oceanic energetics during North Atlantic freshening events. Climate Dynamics, in review
Peer Reviewed
S.H. Baek, P.A. Ullrich, B. Dong, J. Lee (2024). Evaluating downscaling with expected hydroclimatic co-variances, Geoscientific Model Development. Selected as Editor’s Highlight paper.
J.M. Lora, C.B. Skinner, W.D. Rush, S.H. Baek (2023). The hydrologic cycle and atmospheric rivers in CESM2 simulations of the Last Glacial Maximum, Geophysical Research Letters.
S.H. Baek*, Y. Kanzaki*, J.M. Lora, N. Planavksy, C. Reinhard, S. Zhang (2023). Impacts of climate on the global capacity for enhanced rock weathering on croplands, Earth’s Future. * = equal contribution. AGU Press Release here
S.H. Baek, J.M. Battalio, J.M. Lora. (2023). Atmospheric river variability over the last millennium driven by annular modes, AGU Advances. Eos Editor’s Highlight here
S.H. Baek, Y. Kushnir, M. Ting, J.E. Smerdon, J.M. Lora (2022). Regional Signatures of Forced North Atlantic SST Variability: A Limited Role for Aerosols and Greenhouse Gases, Geophysical Research Letters.
Scholz, S.R., R. Seager, M. Ting, Y. Kushnir, J.E. Smerdon, B.I. Cook, E.R. Cook, S.H. Baek (2022). Changing hydroclimate dynamics and the 19th to 20th century wetting trend in the English Channel region of northwest Europe, Climate Dynamics.
S.H. Baek, Y. Kushnir, W.A. Robinson, J.M. Lora, D.E. Lee, M. Ting (2021). An Atmospheric Bridge Between the Subpolar and Tropical Atlantic Regions: A Perplexing Asymmetric Teleconnection, Geophysical Research Letters.
S.H. Baek and J.M. Lora (2021). Counterbalancing influences of aerosols and greenhouse gases on atmospheric rivers, Nature Climate Change. News & Views piece here. Yale Press Release here
Baek, S.H., J.E. Smerdon, B.I. Cook, A.P. Williams (2021). US Pacific Coastal Droughts are Predominantly Driven by Internal Atmospheric Variability, Journal of Climate.
Baek, S.H., J.E. Smerdon, G. Dobrin, J.G. Naimark, E.R. Cook, B.I. Cook, R. Seager, M.A. Cane (2020). A quantitative hydroclimatic context for the European Great Famine of 1315-1317, Communications Earth & Environment.
Williams, A.P., E.R. Cook, J.E. Smerdon, B.I. Cook, J.T. Abatzoglou, K. Bolles, S.H. Baek, A. Badger, B. Livneh (2020). Large contribution from anthropogenic warming to a developing North American megadrought, Science.
Baek, S.H., N.J. Steiger, J.E. Smerdon, R. Seager (2019). Oceanic drivers of spatially widespread droughts in the contiguous US over the Common Era, Geophysical Research Letters.
Baek, S.H., J.E. Smerdon, R. Seager, A. P. Williams, B. I. Cook (2019). Pacific Ocean forcing and atmospheric variability are the dominant causes of spatially widespread droughts in the contiguous United States, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres.
Smerdon, J.E., J. Luterbacher, S. Phipps, K.J. Anchukaitis, T.R. Ault, S. Coats, K.M. Cobb, B.I. Cook, C. Colose, T. Felis, A. Gallant, J.H. Jungclaus, B. Konecky, A. LeGrande, S. Lewis, A.S. Lopatka, W. Man, J.S. Mankin, J.T. Maxwell, B.L. Otto-Bliesner, J.W. Partin, D. Singh, N.J. Steiger, S. Stevenson, J.E. Tierney, D. Zanchettin, H. Zhang, A. Atwood, L. Andreu-Hayles, S.H. Baek, B. Buckley, E.R. Cook, R. D’Arrigo, S.G. Dee, M. Griffiths, C. Kulkarni, Y. Kushnir, F. Lehner, C. Leland, H.W. Linderholm, A. Okazaki, J. Palmer, E. Piovano, C.C. Raible, M.P. Rao, J. Scheff, G.A. Schmidt, R. Seager, M. Widmann, A.P. Williams, E. Xoplaki (2017), Comparing proxy and model estimates of hydroclimate variability and change over the Common Era, Climate of the Past.
Baek, S.H., J.E. Smerdon, S. Coats, A. P. Williams, B.I. Cook, E.R. Cook, and R. Seager (2017), Precipitation, temperature, and teleconnection signals across the combined North American, Monsoon Asia, and Old World Drought Atlases, Journal of Climate.